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Здравствуйте,почему когда скачиваешь с телефона пишет что файл опасен,но все равно скачиваешь пишет приложение не установлено . Что делать 


When Will the version 0.1.5 be out for EVERYONE?

I can't say for sure, but in about 1-2 weeks.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello dear Fifty Five developer or development team it would be exciting if you would add an femboy/Tgirl character since you already added futa it shouldn't be a problem. Also it would make more fun if you would add 32bit android compatibility sice I amd many others use it. Compliment out to the one who came to the idea of making a "just sex" game for android because most or all games that are like this one are only pc. I hope you will make a update soon so i can also play. 

Thanks in advance bye!

Thanks you!

Unfortunately 32 bit version doesn't support my game engine so it's not possible.

Femboy/Tgirl will be added =)

Pretty good, though android version just crashes on my phone.

It's only version 0.1. I will definitely fix all bugs in the next updates=)


Great game, Can you add male on male and futa on male ?


In next update


Simple, good looking. This game has great potential



Can You Also Add Female Masturbating?

I'm planning, but I don't know when.

When is the update gonna come out?

Next week, but in early access.


Love the game so far. I would suggest to add positions where the female is the one in control. Keep up the great work :)



We need more beautiful and interesting character. We need some beautiful places and we need more position 

That's literally what I'm working on =)

(1 edit)

Я почему-то не могу вам ответить 

Но вот скриншот пересвета белого цвета 

Android 14 Redmi 13


 Thank you. I will add the settings in the next versions


Как исправить пересвет белого цвета на Андроиде ?

(1 edit)

Could you send me a screenshot?
What version of android?

Connecting the game to Lovesense toys?

I'd like to, but definitely not in the next few months.


We need a taker Pov please🤤

It will, but not in the next updates


Can you include futa on male as well instead of male on futa


OK =)


I liked this game, it's very easy to learn everything and the models are very beautiful, you deserve congratulations, I'm already looking forward to the next versions :)

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Does anyone know how to activate sex mode and make the two characters fuck? I have no clue how...also...How to change characters' positions?

Add characters to the slots at the bottom. Not all animations are ready. Sometimes they just stand

Change the location to change the pose.

Check tutorials in pause menu, it says it all.  


Ok. Thank you so much ^v^

You're welcome =)

The game looks great, but I can't see any of the characters. I'm using a windows virtual machine on my mac

Do other games work?
Not sure if this can work on a virtual machine and can't test because I don't have a Mac.

Lust Empire was a bit glitchy, but it worked


Sorry, I can't solve this problem until I buy Mac.

Pls add customizable poses, facial expressions, customize penis length and what is very important - anal. Thank you in advance! 


Not everything is possible, but some things will be added =)

This is my favorite position and I would really like it to be in the game. All natural, no futa, no strap. The two vaginas sticking together.

(1 edit) (+2)

OK =)

(2 edits)

Thanks! When you add it, leave a reply here. Please


keep going dude, i can see you going places <3



разраб я надеюсь и дальше будет добавлять новый контент, и кста как открыть новых персов?

There will be a lot of new content)

There are currently only three types of characters available


Game is amazing 😍

Thank you Fifty Five for context with this quality🤤



hello, when will the update arrive


Hello =)
1-2 week

so will this update come to the free version

I can't say for sure.

i think you should also bring the free version :D


When will the character body type adjustment come? btw the game is perfect


Thank you!

Body adjustment is already in the paid version, but with the next update it will be in the public one!

Where can I find the paid version? Patreon?

If it fits my budget I can get it

Sorry for the late reply, your comment was blocked for some reason.

The game works somehow suspiciously on Android 😑

Thank you for screenshot!

Deleted 10 days ago

Strange. I'll try to find the problem.

Bro it says"App not installed" can you fix this

What device and Android version?

Device:Redmi 9A


Thanks for the reply. I'll try to fix it

Help, it kept crashing whenever I open it. I downloaded the android

What device and Android version

I'm using oppo, android version 8.1.0.

Thank you for your reply. I'll try to find a solution


THank you, I really want to play it. 😓 I love your other game as well. :>


this game has a lot of potential, I'm looking forward to new updates


How can i unlock the other places only the house is unlocked


Other places not ready yet. 


Cuando lo abro, después de unos 5-10 segundos me aparece un error que dice que el juego se crasheo y que se cerrara, y efectivamente, se cierra, ¿A que se debe? Lo descargue en Windows

I know about this problem and I'm trying to find the reason. For most people the game works fine

Can you make a version for MacOS?

First I need to buy a Mac to build the project, but I don't have the budget for it =(

not playing 

Windows or Android?

The game in android is saying that it was built on a older version so wont let me download,  I found this can help, it seems to be the problem.


Thanks! I`ll try to solve the problem

Здравствуйте, хотел спросить когда будет новое обновление и будет ли такая функция по типу беременность или расширение живота и что думаете вложить в новое обновление ?


Pregnancy is already in Patreon version.
I can't say anything about the next update yet.

Спасибо что ответил ;))


please, add an option to make a t-man (trans man). there's literally no games with such an option, it'd be really great to have it in this amazing game simulator. 

(2 edits) (+4)

In fact, the t-man character model is already ready, but it requires some adjustments, so it is not in the first version


The prototype was a great start i can only imagine the public release! I too might finacially suppoet this game in the future. Games like this deserve more attention!

Thank you!

Error installing APK

INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NOT_APK: Failed to parse /data/app/vmdl1530609492.tmp/0.apk: Failed to load asset path /data/app/vmdl1530609492.tmp/0.apk

"The error INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NOT_APK usually means that the APK file you are trying to install is either corrupted, incomplete, or not a valid APK file. "

What version of android?


Thank you for report!
I`ll try solve the problem!


Please take your time, don't put pressure on yourself, i'm sure people are very patient, it's just a game about sex activity, just add what's possible in any order you want, we will be here. If the game does well in the future, i might support it financially.

Thank you!

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